Everything from the narrative, to the music and vocals has been meticulously crafted to enhance the storytelling in an invigoratingly novel way. It’s a triumphant beginning and one that makes me excited for things to come.

Larry Iaccio
His songs showcase an enormous attention to detail that is rarely seen in the hip-hop world. More than that, he’s a selfless musician often letting his featured artists take the spotlight on his tracks. Through all of his songs, nowhere is this truer than on Let You Be.
Life As Mary have captured lightning in a bottle with their new single. ‘Jacki’ is a song you’ll want to blast in your car on a sunny day with the windows rolled down.
What is basically an anthem for self-discovery and individuality, “Your Satisfaction is Fake” implores all of us to thoughtfully reflect on the contents of our being.
Without a doubt, Another Day Dawns is the next truly great rock band.
Her relentless creativity, unapologetic bluntness, and sincere storytelling are as inspiring as they are wholly original. Once I Was Loved, Acousticmaddie’s latest single, sees her unique style of sound art continuing to push the idea of music as creative expression.
Carry On shows us that positivity and hope don’t have to be these soft, tender things that are only talked about in more approachable pop tunes, but that they can serve an integral purpose in hip-hop as well.
Do yourself a favor, whether you typically like this kind of music or not, give this album a listen. I guarantee you’ll end up a fan.
“The March” takes the best parts of grunge and garage rock and mixes them with 70’s prog/psych-rock to create a record that is hallucinatory in nature, but lucid in its experience.
Although he grew up in Germany, Georg embodies the spirit of country music better than most southerners. His lyrics and his stories are the main focus of his music, and This Ain’t My First Rodeo is a perfect example of that.
Aiden Hatfield has created a community around his sincere take on depression, and his latest single, ‘This Horror In Me’ is not only an absolutely fantastic rock tune, but also an honest depiction of dealing with such daily struggles.
Holy Prophet Elijah is a unique blend of Avant Garde sensibilities mixed with just enough elements of pop to attract the average listener. It’s all incredibly bizarre, but so intrinsically captivating for the very same reason.