Aptly-titled The Space Between, this track welcomes us into a superbly atmospheric realm of equal parts depth and lightness. Intricate sounds and samples pan through the mix, vocals whispering suggestions of direction for your mind; essentially a call to free yourself from the chaos of the world.
Creatively shaking the foundations of modern composition, David Ratmoko presents the deep ambient synths and Baroque electronic arpeggios of Prelude One – an iconic redirection with an unpredictable shift towards trap rhythms and darker, cinematic sound-design as things progress.
Ambient calm, healing frequencies, impressively intricate design – a collection of compositions that are profoundly rewarding to relax into. Renowned Tasmanian producer and artist Darren J Harris welcomes audiences into his latest ethereal wonderland, for the deeply soothing and imaginative new album Subliminal.
Dancing to the beat of her own drum entirely, Kinzoogianna is an artist joyfully redefining what it means to be an expressive and captivating musician in today’s realm.
Electronic production and joyful, evocative patterns meet with lyrical contemplations that feel oddly relatable – ‘Come on let’s save the world, but not today…’ Another Day is the first single from the mysterious muqi – an electro-pop artist with a unique earworm of a melody to enthral you with.
Massachusetts producer and artist J + C has released a multitude of original records over the years, culminating in the scattered launch of his latest album Traveler. We were blessed with the chance to interview Jeff, the man behind the music, to find out more about his journey, what inspires him, his technical approach, and … Continued
An ever creative and impossible to pigeon-hole Rico Friebe redirects fans immensely, with the euphorically electro-soaked and cinematic fullness of a conceptually provocative Anthems For A Lost Generation.
An industrial whirlwind of sound – cascading synths, melodies, harmonies and a rhythmic robotic stomp of a rhythm – the iconic Isaiah Mclaughlin returns, with the aptly-titled, extensive conceptual album Reincarnation.
“When it comes to genres, I haven’t quite found where I land in my style, I typically tell people it is indie electronic but I also sing and play guitar and different instruments and blend them all together with a lot of electronic textures and elements.”
From synth-wave to RnB soundscapes, HyenaXXL marks the rebranding of a creative producer intent on creating atmospheric, sultry and suggestive audio realms.
The charismatic sound of Love Asylum reaches poetically provocative new heights, as the long-time duo introduce their first single of 2024.
The concept is both simple and complex, not unchartered territory in song or reality anymore, but this realism and fear ties in with freshly posed questions like ‘What does it mean to be free in a world controlled by algorithms?’