There are intense stories to this project, told not merely through titles & lyrics, but through the instrumentation, the performances, the rising passion.
The sound of the vocal & certain retro instrumental samples make for a clear & crisp contrast with the thickness & weight of the rhythm & bass beneath them.
There’s plenty of potential, and the free-style sound, if it’s an accurate representation, is a great way to keep on building those lyrical mountains.
The creative progression throughout is fantastic, the brightness of the music contrasts cleverly with the mellow & somewhat melancholy vocal performance.
If an artist is ready to take steps away from the underground, these are the things that need to be in place. That truth, that energy, that professionalism.
There’s so much personality & emotion in the performance as the song moves from the gentler, almost whispered verses, to the much more bold sounding hook.
It’s a beautiful song, a little retro, rhythmic, hopeful, enjoyable in itself, but also – it’s inspiring, when you really break it down & pay attention.
The artistry of the craft seems to come before the need to label it or to fit in with any particular genre or group. It’s very easy to enjoy.
An immensely atmospheric & soothing piece of music that you can easily listen back to again & again & still feel the same ethereal freedom.
Sometimes a good song is all that’s needed; nothing fancy or over the top to enhance the ideas – just the song, and a performance that means something.
The soulful smoothness of any seductive R&B classic. Connects on a deep & intimate level, as well providing those essential good vibes we rely on music for.
The heart of the genre is maintained & celebrated, bringing a sense of realness. The sound has certain collective qualities that further the authenticity.