This is original EDM at the dawn of its meeting with the pop vocalists of the world – there’s something smooth & calming about the drop, it’s not intense or overly attention grabbing, it just softly draws you in even more so than before. 


Between the rap verses, the mellow tones, and the snippets of intense historical speech, the whole piece creates a powerful space and prompts the listener to think a little more deeply on the world around them. 


JRS3 has done well to create something refreshing with this. Instrumentally it works a treat, taking the hip hop sound somewhere new & creative, though with a dash of retro synths & electric guitar – the past & the present meet, along with several genres. An easily memorable & quite addictive hit. 


Ed Hale is a fantastic songwriter – this album is driven by a fine fusion of this and a totally enjoyable, eclectic and impressive array of musicianship. Hale’s voice offers a certain meeting between indie-rock grit and singer-songwriter delicacy, the songs feel upbeat but calm – energizing yet welcoming.

Alt PopFolk RockRock & RollSongwriter

Alexis is a project that has been compiled with care and professionalism alike – you can hear this in the music, alongside of passion and positivity, every step of the way. Gerred has put so much of himself into the album, and it works.


The whole concept could either be deeply metaphorical or completely, sadly literal. This is metal of course, so perhaps both play a part in the truth. As a debut in particular, Trigger is a hard-hitting, expressive & really well crafted track.

Hard RockMetalRock