Starting with a string arrangement initially as ominous as the project’s retro artwork, Bad Bubble ultimately delivers a complex, unpredictable and captivating audio experience, for Underscore.
From harmonized vocal-play through classic hip hop production and contemporary trap rhythms, King Mushu gets creative, with Dawn Of the Dragon.
Observational stories and personal truths emerge layered amidst organic guitars, piano, horn and strings, as renowned songwriter and artist Luanne Hunt delivers her latest album.
Creatively capturing the embrace of live music, in all of its power and passion, songwriter, artist and producer Caustics presents the complex yet compelling album Reflection.
A strong return to the unexpected yet satisfying and authentically honest traits of Christopher Dallman’s music; those that forever make it so uniquely appealing
Hurt People Hurt People delves into the impact of trauma and heartbreak, whilst delivering a brilliantly-crafted set of tracks uniting RnB, rap and pop in a handful of ways.
Harris remains a creatively passionate composer – the sort with an unquenchable thirst for artistry and understanding.
Making his appreciation for catchy hooks known from the outset, D’anthony Lorenzo kicks off his self-titled album on an infectious high.
Rather than actually being the decade compilation it often sounds like, this album from multi-instrumentalist R John Webb is a consistently unpredictable, modern solo record, and proves ultimately refreshing and fascinating of its own accord.
Loaded with sublime guitar and keys arrangements, simple yet striking, as well as faultless yet expressive vocals of notably eclectic origins, The Only Way Is Up makes for a blissful listen.
Dystopia leads with a timeless sense of presence and calm, which permits these various musings and moods the time and space to connect – or to provide the ideal soundtrack as you get on with what needs to be done
Fearlessly toying with the very fabric of audio creation, alt horrorcore artist Ten-Headed Skeleton kicks off a devotedly specific album, with an indefinable style that’s both unorthodox yet strangely captivating.