Universal Appeal - The Price of Liberty (Full Band) - Stereo Stickman

Universal Appeal The Price of Liberty (Full Band)


Songwriter Jon Casto fronts the acoustic and atmospheric World Music tones and conceptualisations of Universal Appeal – an act devoted to intertwining the deeply personal and the broadly relatable.

The Price Of Liberty showcases precisely these qualities, presenting a sense of individual journey and political poignancy throughout its exploration of liberty and this callout for freedom and possibility.

Built around acoustic fingerpicking and an impressively progressive, unpredictably shifting structure, The Price Of Liberty feels almost like a theatrical stage show in the making. The vocals move from powerful and leader-like, to haunting and uncertain; melodic and enchanting. At the same time, the melody and pace change lanes distinctly, a sort of medieval arrangement ensuing, with a chorus of backing vocals to support the sudden shift to a lyrical longing and darkness.

The Price Of Liberty is a performance, without a doubt – a thoughtfully crafted, recognisable and unique piece of music and writing, and the full-band set-up really brings the lyrics and versatility of that front-line voice to life in a way that captivates right through to the end.

Also currently working on two brand new singles – Our Legacy, and Brand New Age – Universal Appeal seem to be whole-heartedly focused on this sense of vastness and community that resounds throughout the first release. The songwriting drives with purpose, the music with skill and passion, and it sounds great – the style is quirky but effective, alluring, and engaging to listen to.

National issues walk hand in hand with self-reflection and matters of the heart, and this stands tall in everything from the lyrics to the performance and production. I look forward to hearing more.

Find Universal Appeal on Facebook & Instagram or visit the Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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