Sox, Vital & T8PES - Wake Up - Stereo Stickman

Sox, Vital & T8PES Wake Up


Reminiscent of Post Malone’s Rockstar, Wake Up  is a complex meshing of the 3 Midlands’ talents: Sox, Vital & T8PES and so manages to also be very much its own beast.

During a busy chorus, vocal parts weave in and out of each other with great skill: ‘Razor sharp with remarkable timing’, as the verse lyric has it! The parts overlay each other, creating quite beautiful and interesting harmonies as each voice carves its own furrow. The effect is swimmy and slightly psychedelic, extremely catchy (more importantly) – and, cleverly, is as much about the sound of the chosen words as it is about their meaning – in much the same way as the aforementioned Post Malone.

The sporadic piano part, which is quite jerky and spiky, is smoothed over by the trap-style drums, that are in turn augmented by thunderous slabs of bass. When the bass drops out for the chorus, it’s not unlike opening a door to a widescreen outdoor view and accompanying acoustic. Beautiful!

There is real wit and life to the rap sections, and they are as slick as you like, making it hard to pick favourite moments, but I’m gonna go with: ‘Why you got a big-ass instrument you can’t play? / There ain’t no space in the dining room, I’m gonna throw it away’. This skewers so many targets and types in 2 very economical lines; it really spoke to me – and it’s made so much more delicious because of the fancy run that’s played on the piano at the same time…

A tune for right now, fresh and funny and full of life and energy, and hooks. You need to listen to this…

Find & follow T8PES on FacebookTwitter & Instagram. Visit their Website for more information.

Chris Porter


As well as writing about music, Chris Porter is a songwriter, singer, producer & vocal coach. He has written for all manner of international artists, including Dagny, Dzeko, and hit the No.1 spot with Thailand’s Singto Numchok. His music has had thousands of placements on film, TV & radio all around the globe.

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