Last November we took an in depth look at the rising phenomena that is The Phantoms. We called their music Anthems Of Our Time, as it is so very on point, so right there in the moment – encapsulating all that is now. We stand by what we said. They’re an immensely talented band, and when we heard they … Continued


Cam Fraser, known by his somewhat more enchanting stage name of Fun Cam, is a musician and song writer with an extensive and impressive collection of music behind him. In the past, he has studied both English Literature and Music, been involved in an array of other musical art forms, and in recent years was nominated … Continued


The self titled debut album from Mike LePond’s Silent Assassins is an immense collection of songs encapsulating everything that is great about rock music. The musical skill is consistently prevalent, as is the drama, the experimentation, the quick-fire finger-style solos, the incredible drum patterns. It’s refreshing to hear something with so much effort and thought involved … Continued


For those who are fans of hip hop, those who love punk rock, those who scour through Youtube videos to disguise their innate need for procrastination – whoever you are; you know his name, you know what he looks like, and you know the sound of his voice. Machine Gun Kelly is a musician and rapper … Continued
