This album of cover songs takes a decidedly unique approach to the dedicative art form, and sees artist Jeralyn Glass lead with the calming vibrational frequencies of crystal alchemy singing bowls.
Artist & songwriter Casey Ryan takes things back to the bare essentials with this beautifully soulful, stripped-back acoustic delivery that is Shapeless.
Upfront vocals & creative structuring of bars help inject a fresh level of intention to the alternative hip hop scene with this single from artist & rapper xtreamx.
Portland’s Rony builds from mellow confidence to striking outcries throughout this haunting, hard-hitting new hip hop release Block Boy.
Deep & soulful, softly raspy vocals draw attention from the offset as this simple yet intriguing, emotive new single from Caroline Mercedes boldly pours through the speakers.
Organic beginnings lead us rather beautifully into a dance-pop-ready ambiance & catchy realm of songwriting with this interesting new alt-pop single from Sweden’s Lella Daniels.
Certain ideas or fragments of voice are repeated to a hypnotic degree, and meanwhile – the song’s accompanying video builds further on this captivating, notably human aspect.
Echo Strike’s electro-pop meets pop-rock creative freedom joins forces with heartfelt songwriting & warming melodies throughout this colorful, considerate new album.
The Nigeria-born Wesley Boy is currently based in the US, and is making waves in the underground hip hop scene for his professionally crafted yet laid-back & confident, stylish anthems for rap fans far & wide.
Leading with a raw & authentic introduction, followed by an equally heartfelt & classic set-up & song, Trileon ThaGod’s Beautiful Life is every bit as inspiring & optimistic as its title and artwork imply.
Gritty blues-rock bliss & Americana warmth both meet with thoughtful, captivating story-telling throughout this conceptually engaging new album from songwriter & artist Ruborg.
Chilled vibes with a late-night core & mellow vocals to match – Franklin Richards introduces the RudySamA style as partly contemporary & partly classic ambient trap.