Bold and beautiful vocals from Julie Aubé accompany the simple strum of an acoustic guitar and detail poetic imagery that quickly draws you in – Mike Trask kicks off the new year with a heartfelt collaborative release of blissfully timeless qualities.
A storyteller through and through, Mike Trask reaches new levels of appeal with the poetic scene-setting of Love On The Rise. The chord progression is simple, familiar, as is the melodic movement. With this we get lyrical strength to refresh, and the natural back and forth then pairing of the two voices for a clear dynamic.
The verses pave the way beautifully towards the rise and brightness of the hook. By the time this first shift occurs, the song intrigues all the more so – lyrical density surprising amidst such a mellow energy. The listener wants to know the story, the characters, to connect with it all and feel involved in the personal anecdotes so honestly relayed.
Both Trask and Aubé deliver the purity and longing of Love On The Rise in a stunningly authentic and moving fashion. The song proves increasingly emotive, the latter half’s questioning chorus reaching out with all the more poignancy thanks to their rising energy and the changing landscape of the lyrical story.
Wonderful, of Bob Dylan-esque depth and organic arrangement, and worth more than a few listens throughout this rainy January of 2022.
Check out Mike Trask on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.