Giovannie Espiritu - Ultra Feminist - Stereo Stickman

Giovannie Espiritu Ultra Feminist


Fearless and fun, focused and loaded with historical purpose and contemporary freedom alike – Giovannie Espiritu crafts a disco-funk and pop anthem that’s everything its title intends for it to be.

Originally written and performed as a poem, a visual performance filmed and entered in 2019’s Outfest, Ultra Feminist won an honourable mention at the event, and was ultimately transformed into a synth-soaked electro-pop single with an undeniably catchy hook.

The track features a dramatic eighties-esque production and equally nostalgic visuals that further highlight the unique meeting of carefree joy and darker historical undertones. The song is lyrically simple yet distinct, leading with short lines and an earworm of a frontline melody, as it carves out a clear celebration of self and the refusal of a feminist to adhere to the patriarchal expectations laid out before her.

The song almost presents a kind of old school rap approach in some ways, these quirky lines achieving a likable balance between depth and simple fun. The repeating and resounding idea of ‘Call me’, from ‘Call me ultra feminist’ through ‘you’ll still call me a disgrace’, to ‘yeah boy, just call me’, all builds up for a slick and retro yet memorable ode to the modern freedom of femininity.

Ultra Feminist isn’t purely a call out to all feminists, but a personal ode to an artist’s own liberation from a tumultuous and isolating past. It’s a heavy topic, but the song has a certain lightness and positivity to it, which works well to juxtapose the issues within. In other words – If you like the title; you’ll love the song.

“This world’s full of misogynists, telling me who I can love or be with”.

Find Giovannie Espiritu via her Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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