In terms of genre, New Realms (that title is probably a clue!) is borrowing from all over the place. As well as the influences I’ve already mentioned, there is something of Ulrich Schnauss-era Engineers about the overall effect of the EP. It’s rich, imaginative, compelling and intriguing. It’s hard to imagine higher praise than this.


There’s depth & intention to the song – as was the way with punk-rock back during the dawn of the genre; the songs were there to rebel against societal ‘normality’. Conscious lyrics were reinforced by emotional & striking performances that were clearly connected to the words at hand. That’s precisely what you get here. FUCK THIS NOISE is an absolute anthem.

Hard RockPunk RockRock

Genre and stylistic labels aside for a moment, Jonni Lost drive with superb songwriting on this EP – Hang On is an immediately likable song that quickly grows to be an addictive and rather unforgettable track; with timeless qualities.

Hard RockMetalRock