El Mo3 meanders in a slightly new direction with this single release – still holding on to that brilliantly unexpected creative edge though; as seen with the superb track Gasmask.
The six-minute electronic epic that is Morgan’s Mirage pours through with a retro ambiance and a series of details that slowly but surely envelop the listener in a classically mellow dance vibe. With that, fragments of ideas and even the occasional single word appear – intermittently amidst flickers of color and certain electronic intricacies that help create a sense of movement or progression.
While it’s easy to appreciate a release like this for its ambient qualities, there’s also a notably melodic and almost live aspect to the recording – perhaps as if the producer is performing this live, playing these notes, toying with these sounds and panning certain intensities in and out of the mix.
By the half-way point, the piece feels as if it’s either about to drop into something manic and heavy, or evolve and change completely into something brand new. What actually comes is a drop to something a little more secure, a little more spacious and rhythmically entrancing; a little simpler, for a while. It does feel more like a late-night dance floor moment by this point – the after-party, where techno and house fuse and melt around you in a hypnotic and strangely calming fashion.
This latter half experience is far more comforting and mellow from a stylistic perspective. Where the first half provokes thought, intrigues and fascinates, the latter half takes hold of you in a more thorough and comprehensible way – welcoming you finally, and allowing the natural skills of the producer to work their magic purely in the way we expect EDM to.
All in all, the journey is both refreshingly creative, and supremely, nostalgically enjoyable. Electronic music fans will likely appreciate the layers and moments as much as the overall experience that is Morgan’s Mirage.
Find & follow EL Mo3 on Instagram or visit his Website.
You rock Morgan!!!