More great modern rock music to reignite your belief in the indie scene. Will Sims delivers a well-written and rather timeless rock set-up and melody, with a lyrical story that’s just original enough to intrigue and recapture a sense of originality artistry.
An easy song to love, with a great chorus and a style and voice somewhat remisncent of the soft rock bands of the early noughties, Axiom is both familiar and complex conceptually, and the strong rock arrangement is refreshingly humble in reflection of that.
The whole set-up balances intensity and melodic calm really well, employing short lines for the verses to feel almost like a listing format, and the hook later drops in as a humble, non-intrusive earworm.
An engaging songwriter, with an established sound that’s easy to get onboard with.
Find Will Sims on Instagram, TikTok & Facebook.