Naturally a name worth stopping for after hearing his previous work, Streets Soprano gets the chemistry right once again, with the hard-hitting and heavy Whoever It Pertains TOO.
Featuring an immediately dramatic, atmospheric soundscape, melodic and cinematic in its sense of intensity and classic hip hop rhythms combined, the track emerges from the EP U Hear Me, and lays bare some of the best of the Streets Soprano writing, story telling and performative captivation.

Gritty bars deliver a consistently relevant and compelling storyline throughout this track, it’s revealing and personal, original in topic yet classic in style and presentation. Impossible to ignore, there’s a relentless presence to that leading voice as it meanders through the musicality of the production with unwavering confidence and even scorn.
Once is enough to intrigue and impress, but the second and third time you listen a whole new world of observational and purposeful writing showcases itself. Theatrics and angst unite amidst the clear determination of the subject matter, bringing together truth, focus and passion in a timeless and addictively rhythmic way.
Produced by Imminent Productions, mastered by 99Busco; video shot by Genx; directed by Christianah Rodriguez & Jose Esquilin Jr. Check out Streets Soprano on Facebook & Instagram.