This visual and audio release from SPLICY effectively utilises a synth-soaked, 70’s pop vibe to create an implication of contrast between the female icons of that decade, and the contemporary girls who spend their time trying to get the right angle and filter for an Instagram post.
The artwork and this multi-coloured, rainbow-kissed image represents the sound of the track pretty perfectly. There’s a dreamy, multi-layered aura to the production, and meanwhile this softly catchy melody weaves its way into your head-space.

Those Girls You Know talks of minimizing blemishes with a downward angle, and trying to win your heart with ‘cutesy’ captions. The resolve is this idea that those girls you know are underneath the make-up. It’s a welcomed break from the longer-form melody of the verses, and rounds things off nicely.
The single actually works well at twice the speed, suggesting that there’s definitely room for remix should a different style or weight appeal to back up the concept and songwriting.
Brian Risk and singer Andrea Connolly are the names behind the project. The video clip sees a plethora of famous faces zoom towards you as the music plays. There’s a valuable touch of nostalgia to this, particularly for those in the right generation to recognise and appreciate the references.
Download the single via iTunes or stream it on Spotify.