SLEEPWALKER - Burn - Stereo Stickman



Massive blues-rock vibes and a striking long-form riff are quick to appeal – the classic stomp of a rhythm and subsequent soulful vocal of Sleepwalker’s latest single Burn connect beautifully.

Balancing the gritty opening moments of the electric guitar, Burn goes onto employ a mellow verse section – stripped back musicianship and an intimate voice poetically relaying the mysterious scenes of the story.

From here we rise back up, an explosive and impassioned hook returning to elevate that now familiar blues-rock solo for an intoxicatingly satisfying musical peak.

SLEEPWALKER stands tall in this realm, performatively on point but also effectively blending the timeless and the fresh in a way that’s sure to hit the indie space with addictive impact.

Essentially devoted to exploring the art of keeping the flame alive in a long-term relationship, the topic of Burn is universally relatable, and the sheer energy and contrast between moments musically helps reinforce the electricity and chemistry of the subject matter.

It’s an intense and enchanting listen, familiar in style and set-up but depicting a recognisable artist vocal style and songwriting strength that are on track to rightfully ignite a fire under all things SLEEPWALKER.

“Do you still have that fire? Can I still make you burn?”

Find Sleepwalker on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram & their Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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