Sandor Gavin - Ghost of a Memory by (Feat. Weldon) - Stereo Stickman

Sandor Gavin Ghost of a Memory by (Feat. Weldon)


Majestic production and passionate vocals unite with increasingly immersive songwriting, as Sandor Gavin and Weldon collaborate for the beautifully evocative Ghost Of A Memory.

Featuring an interesting combination of eighties-style synth-pop and solid pop melodies and sentiments, Ghost Of A Memory makes strong use of both poetic vagueness and personal depth.

Firstly this crisp, colourful soundscape takes hold of the listener, elevating the mood of the room and offering a profound degree of escapism in itself. Then we get the rasp and soulful grip of the voice, and with it the increasing depth and revelation of the lyrics.

Releasing on Mirrorgate Media, Ghost Of A Memory employs rising anticipation consistently throughout a multi-layered and dramatic progression. The journey reinforces this growing emotion with a euphoric rise and drop for the hook – something underlined by both a blossoming soundscape and the clear emotion and sudden volume and grit of the vocal delivery.

Impressive on every count, Ghost of A Memory enchants listeners, crying out on behalf of not belonging, being isolated and lost, whilst providing an ethereal embrace that further’ this bold humanity and heart – to the point that it makes the music an easy go-to for that connection and understanding.

Really well-crafted, faultlessly performed, and written to engage with honesty and professionalism finely intertwined. A personal favourite from the season so far.

Find Sandor Gavin on Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or visit his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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