pøøk - Burn Cruise (Feat. Fallen Seraph) - Stereo Stickman

pøøk Burn Cruise (Feat. Fallen Seraph)


Fine production and melodic loops enchant and engage, as pøøk and Fallen Seraph deliver an inescapably catchy ode to a lost-cause, for Burn Cruise.

Aptly devoted to the escapism of music whilst blending contemporary emo-rap qualities with alternative pop writing, Burn Cruise emerges as a kind of radical acceptance of the pleasure of toxic escapism. The topic is late-night connection, an intoxicating freedom from the weight of the world – something youthful artistry has often underlined. In this case, the track successfully blends the sound of the moment with professionalism, passion and topical relevancy.

Hitting the scene as both relevant and loaded with identity, Burn Cruise showcases two distinct vocal leads – a sense of talent, confidence and character all united. Combine this with subtle undertones of piano and heartfelt contemplation, and the resulting contrast between uncertainty and dangerous intrigue proves captivating.

Kicking into gear with its undeniably memorable hook, Burn Cruise is emotive and powerful, as well as being simply infectious as a groove and tune. The resulting sentiments represent both a love for the good times and a fierce self-awareness of the negative impact of this.

The whole thing flows freely, particularly the central verse, and ultimately the focus remains on the embrace of the high; the comfort of the quiet times in the dead of the night.

An easy hit, it will be interesting to hear where else the music takes pøøk in the coming months.

“Living for the night, it’s the only time I find you.”

Check out pøøk on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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