Underling hints of influence from the likes of Bowie in certain vocal tremors and inflections, alongside an otherwise folk-pop writing style akin to The Beatles, Toxicon utilizes classic doo-wop vocal harmonies and colourful keys riffs, to maintain a sense of bounce and beauty that’s consistent with the lyrical reflections.

Folk PopPopSongwriter

Featuring an instantly likable leading riff, blending melancholic twists and turns with a high-energy and fearlessly creative backdrop and beat, Let’s Go Go Go Go Dance DJ is far from the purely explosive implications of its title, and instead showcases an artistically uninhibited approach to production and song structure.


Threads of nostalgia draw in even the most hard-tuned old school ravers, before ambient twists of oriental melody and calming synths balance out proceedings. Introducing an addictively all-consuming audio deep-dive…


Munich producer and artist Mined Music collaborates with mighty vocalist Alex Van True, for this latest emotional deep-dive and ambient soul-rock arrangement Darkest Of Times. Blurring the lines between genres, Darkest Of Times features a theatrical guiding voice and equally powerful layers of distorted rock guitars and ethereal trip hop production. Released September 22nd, this … Continued
