The creativity appears as impulsive, free from the constraints of genre, and most definitely driven by a passion for the strange & the unpredictable.
The minimalist, organic sounds that provide the building blocks for the music have something very honest & real about them, it feels extremely genuine.
Atmospheric, charismatic – instrumental music at its very best. A Latin rock backbone surrounded by Victor Samalot’s ever impressive guitar playing.
An original & creative take on EDM. A high energy soundtrack & a soulful melody delivered by a characterful & passionate leading vocal.
Reflections of Love is a track that doesn’t simply fall into any particular category of genre. The music is beautiful in a unique and unusual manner, and from the first few moments – the sound sets a mood and conjures up certain emotions that are powerful and memorable. One of the most slept on and perhaps … Continued
Clever & effective songwriting, it satisfies as all great music should, and furthermore – it highlights the work of an experienced & thoughtful songwriter.
The band offer another wonderful voice in an ever important and, hopefully, growing ocean of hope & positive influence. Well worth supporting.
The hook is strong, bright sounding & memorable. The words are easy to learn & the result is a very heartfelt & thoughtfully crafted song.
A fresh track with a mellow energy, high passion, and a unique sense of character. The vibe is easy going & the music is rhythmically addictive.
These snippets of ambiance & emotion are enough to inspire the most profound of thoughts. The artistry of this release is deeply interesting.
There’s hope & sadness, quiet & chaos, much like life itself. A stunning collection of songs, with a sublime array of musical prowess & moving performances.
The performances are on point, carrying the essence of the track confidently. The overall effect is that the music is quite hypnotic, addictive even.