A good song to begin with but a stunning one by the time it nears its finish. The latter half really lets the artistry of the moment take the wheel, allowing that alternative freedom to shine brightly.
Sempre Caoz make music that screams out for you with its gritty, passionate, nostalgic & anthemic embrace. Still Alive is a huge song, one that incorporates the perfect balance between influences from the various sub-genres of rock.
The shared effect of these releases is that you get to witness both the high energy, polished presentation of a single, and the stripped back, raw acoustic set-up of an intimate live performance. In both cases, The Blue Artic easily meets the requirements of the moment.
He writes to remind himself to act & in doing that he offers the audience a similar feeling – an infectious energy that pushes you to take steps towards your goals.
Twelve tracks & not a single moment is filler or worth skipping over – far from it. I could listen to this three times in the day & not tire of it. It’s been a while since that was the case.
There’s something authentically original & creative about Acharya’s music – a sort of uninhibited, artful yet honest & deeply human aura comes through. Hopefully this is still just the beginning for them. In any case, Tilt is an EP absolutely worth the time it takes to listen.
David SweetLow brings together a gentle folk sound & a well-traveled perspective on this single Lean On Me. There’s an immediately delicate warmth to the track, the acoustic guitar picking & SweetLow’s near-whispered, smooth & heartfelt vocals walk hand-in-hand.
How Do You Know Until You Know is a superb line, the melodic switch & the change to a major key – the sudden brightness, the freely meandering piano – everything about this moment shines beautifully.
There’s a hypnotic quality to this extended musical journey that overtakes any need for structure or change. There’s a sense of growth, sure – the layers intensify just slightly, but you start to question whether that’s actually happening or whether it’s simply your mind making it appear that way.
Slim’s performance is easy to like – confident, characterful, partly poetic & partly hardcore. The production is crisp & colourful in a totally new way.
DYLI offers up some blissfully mellow vibes on this latest single Cherry Coke. A simple ambiance emerges, a classically warm beat & a few distant synths bring through gentle colour & calm. Alongside of this, DYLI’s leading voice drives with a modern RnB style & tone.
The lyrics and even the melody to an extent feel like unedited outpourings, an artist working out the world and letting you go along for the journey.