Noella Usborne tackles intimacy and a fear of being broken by love on this latest single. Leading with unquestionable honesty, the song is open and relatable for its genuine approach to contemporary relationship issues.


Stunning guitar riffs and high energy indie-pop vibrancy pours through with this latest release from Roseburg. A great song from the offset, Premonition somehow still grows to be more likable the further along you get.


A definite personal favourite from 2019 so far. A powerful track, eye-opening in many ways but also loaded with addictive good vibes that contrast cleverly with the depth of the subject matter. 

Alt PopHip-Hop

The 3Mind Blight sound is quickly becoming a thing entirely of its own. Uncertainty reigns, but there’s a sense of possibility – a feeling that not knowing isn’t quite as bad as it sometimes seems. ‘It’ll be alright if I live a good life.’ 

Alt PopAlt RockHip-HopRock