Whether it’s to light up the commute to work, or to ignite the good vibes at the weekend, Thank You is a colourful and multi-layered expression of gratitude that beautifully fulfills its intentions. Well worth a listen at volume.


Where certain layers seem decidedly vintage in this mix, certain others add a likable flicker of contemporary freedom, ultimately helping reinforce the underlying sentiments of the song; Free your mind… You can be anything that you want.


No Hugs is a stand-out single from the young artist, a track that follows a hip hop beat and a mildly dance-hall, beach-side riff section, seeing a story of the complicated side of love at war with that which purely seeks a little fun.

Hip HopTrap

Quick to grab attention, Chives uniquely fuse infectious rhythms with raw indie instrumentation, passionate vocals and long-form melodies, resulting in a sound that’s genuinely their own right now.

Alt RockIndie RockRock