Mik Dagger - Deadly Love EP - Stereo Stickman

Mik Dagger Deadly Love EP


Bass-heavy industrial production subtly meets with delicate and distinct vocals – this trip-hop and electro-funk-fusion EP marks a mighty debut from artist and songwriter Mik Dagger.

Impossible to box in, even just from its opening track Fatal Flaws, the Deadly Love EP continues to weave its creative web as the music evolves. We’re plunged into higher levels of grit and passion – higher volumes, guitar riffs and twangs and additional freestyle layers; a chaotic yet satisfying audio realm, with softly recognisable vocals intermittently re-grounding things.

We’re almost in a kind of Drinking in LA territory, with a twist of the mighty MIA – the canned vocal effects and the stylistic freedom from expectation. But that’s where most comparisons end. We’re off to a strong start with Fatal Flaws, a genre-free expression of artistry that works its soulful and scornful magic in unpredictable ways.

The punk-rock energy and uninhibited lyricism of Mik Dagger continues throughout another bass-thick industrial production for Deadly Love – brilliantly catchy title-track, with a mainstream-retro combination of traits that are quick to uplift. Distorted synths and warped tones all reinforce the character of the performance, and already that voice is unmistakable in both presentation and personality. The alternative and the effective walk hand in hand – a rare and welcomed achievement.

There’s plenty about these six original tracks that could be considered quirky or simply playful – an undertone of jazz in the instrumentation, the fearlessly reflective and observational stories. Baby Girl is a great example. But it’s a trait that seems to work in favour of the identity and artistic intention of Mike Dagger. The project is carefree, and that goes for everything from the musicianship to the performance to the final mix.

Things mellow out for the sultry eighties keyboard and breathy presentation of Like On TV, a song that maintains the retro funk energy of the project but takes a little more time to let that drop in.

Then we get a suddenly minimalist twist of freedom in the form of Brand New Cherry Flavor – a song that recaptures a raw nineties indie feel, alongside the earlier inspiration from MIA; and even the unforgettable Gwen Stefani in some ways. Versatility is a clear strength, despite the commendable threads uniting the songs of Deadly Love, and this will hopefully stand taller still as further releases hit the scene.

Closing things down is the haunting, descending trip-hop sound of Post Script. The lyrics are fast-pasted, the ideas captivating, fascinating, and the production smooth. An easy beat and bass combination backs multiple layers of voice as we delve into this diary-like outpouring or declaration of life and love at the end of a journey.

Once again, things are unpredictable yet relevant to the overall style. It’s a short yet striking track, structurally unique and less than a minute and a half in full. One final touch of clever creativity within an EP that genuinely impresses and connects in a refreshingly original way.

Download or stream Deadly Love. Find Stereo Era Records on YouTube & Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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