LaTruelleLMDS - The Touch of Time - Stereo Stickman

LaTruelleLMDS The Touch of Time


The elusive artist and producer LaTruelleLMDS presents a boldly eclectic album of original soundscapes, rooted in the emotional adventure of each work, but elevated by a truly versatile and compelling fusion of orchestral, electronic, and metal.

The Touch Of Time is conceptual by nature, but entirely free from lyrics – gifting listeners their own unique experience and escapism as they delve into these melodic and intense to euphoric compositions.

We begin with the title piece, an instantly unorthodox but engaging cinematic work, ranging from blissful synths and strings to distorted guitars and sudden hits of rhythm and weight. Gentle keys direct us towards a sense of calm, before powerful moments of darker rising anticipation intrigue and unsettle – a fitting representation of The Touch Of Time itself.

As Broken Reflections swings into view, there are clear threads between tracks – a smooth evolution that feels almost like the next page in the story. Here we meet quicker fragments of strings and distorted guitars, a sense of haunting ferocity intertwined with a kind of industrial dance vibe. The entire composition is brilliantly original, unpredictable yet fascinating as it makes its way through a humble but vast three minutes and forty five seconds.

For an instrumental project, all of the tracks within The Touch Of Time are modestly captured – only one exceeding the mainstream standard of four minutes. It’s a clever choice, and it works well to maintain attention throughout each and every complex and imaginative work.

We lean towards the natural world and melodic peace for the soothing sound of I’m so lost, a feeling not exclusive but followed by a sense of weight and urgency that takes you by the hand through its changing stages. Forsaken is equally calm to begin with, rising up to unite those strings with rhythmic hits and distorted segments, and utilising contrast particularly well between the ambient and the high-octane moments of expression.

As we shift into Arcadia, the piano and strings present a more classic sense of musicianship, before hints of an electronic dance realm subtly appear – traits that reach new peaks of immersive warmth throughout the all-consuming and personal favourite track Dysfunctional. Here we see the breadth of influence and skill of LaTruelleLMDS across the hypnotic power of a single track.

Then to masterfully juxtapose once more, In the midst of the snare reverts to solo piano for its opening moments – the arrangement of this album proving as crucial as the individual works, in presenting an impactful audio journey unlike any other. The retro tones here lead us well into the all the more quirky marching groove of a rock and roll-kissed, neo-classical alternative and distinct Letizzsay.

Piano returns for the curtain call of Highway of Love – the longest composition of the album, softly blending every familiar layer now, from keys to strings exclusively at first – a unique and mighty melodic venture – to a brief rock guitar lead and progressive power during the middl-8.

A producer and artist clearly immersed in the process, LaTruelleLMDS drives with emotional and melodic intentions, creating with intricate skill and audience awareness combined, for an album loaded with originality and effective, musically satisfying works. The Touch of Time is immensely uplifting, captivating, thought provoking, and deeply moving when listened to in full. A creative producer categorically worth knowing about.

Find LaTruelleLMDS on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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