Keili Fernando - The Seedling Song - Stereo Stickman

Keili Fernando The Seedling Song


Gentle acoustic folk leads with finger-picked guitar and accessible vocals – songwriter Keili Fernando encapsulates poetic expression, with the bright and beautifully inspired The Seedling Song.

From acoustic beginnings through more of a subtle country arrangement, The Seedling Song gathers momentum and energy with humble relevance to its increasing lyrical optimism.

Meanwhile, Keili Fernando’s voice maintains a somewhat mellow, equally humble tone, consistently relaying these images and metaphors with a calming softness.

Later introducing vocal harmonies to reinforce evolution of lyric and soundscape, The Seedling Song captures the essence of a clear gratitude for the natural world and the present moment, and it does so with quiet confidence.

The closing lyric ‘because everything will be alright’ resounds and aptly reflects the warmth and hopeful core of the performance, in a way that lingers indefinitely.

Find Keili Fernando on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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