Joshy Connor - Love Unknown - Stereo Stickman

Joshy Connor Love Unknown


Wildly uplifting and intimate in its realness and colour, Joshy Connor’s album Love unknown feels like a genuine expression of connection and joy. Not a project written out of the common search for fame, but one that simply could not remain unwritten.

This much appears clear from the opening poetry and optimism of Ten – an acoustic guitar song rising up in to a folk-rock and world music anthem, complete with accessible, relatable vocals, and a genuine sense of emotional conviction to the increasingly passionate delivery.

Somewhat homemade but all the more believable and likable in this state, Love Unknown is a surprisingly eclectic musical project – another quality that reinforces the freedom of artistry with which Joshy Connor writes.

Consider the shift to a sultry RnB jam for Wild, and the piano ballad tones of Speak Again. Always the voice remains in tone and lyrical originality, but the musicianship consistently reflects the mood and intentions; unlimited by genre and instead driven by melody and hopeful longing.

There’s a lot to love about this album, it’s one that grows all the more familiar and comforting with each revisit, and there are also more than a few excellent hooks woven into the rich tapestry of these eleven songs. Absolutely one to let play over dinner or a long commute this season.

Find Joshy Connor on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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