Good vibes and uplifting levels of energy pour through with soulful intentions as rapper and artist $hoe delivers rightfully his favourite track yet.
Featuring a gospel-kissed looping musicality of organic optimism and rising melodic embrace, personal issues proceeds to weave a deeply personal yet equally inspiring story of one artist’s journey through the highs and lows of romance.
Just two minutes twenty-eight in length, personal issues drives with confidence and clarity – refreshing qualities amidst the current hip hop scene. $hoe’s passion and enthusiasm are infectious, energising as the brief yet striking track rolls through, and that tone of voice proves unmistakable as the bars and flow continue to connect.
Notably tipping its hat to the bigger hip hop fusion hits from the likes of Jay Z or Kanye, personal issues ultimately marches to the beat of its own drum, showcasing lyrical originality and vulnerability in line with the sheer confidence and cleverness of the entire story.
Beautifully crafted, smart and sharp yet also rhythmically engaging enough to get classic hip hop fans completely hooked, personal issues is easily one of the most memorable rap releases of the summer. Hopefully there’s plenty more music to follow.
Check out $hoe on Twitter & Instagram.