Rolling into view with the timelessly alluring presence of a simple, organic drumline, Heavy AmericA’s single The Fall goes on to weave an equally timeless yet contemporary-kissed web of topical and anthemic stylings.
Introducing short lines and the simple stop-start arrangement of quirky pop-rock, The Fall emerges as something of a marching anthem for the anti-woke.
Featuring dashes of Bowie in the pre-chorus and hints of heavier acts like Queens Of The Stone Age elsewhere, Heavy AmericA legitimate drive with a nostalgic rock humility – an organic, likable sound, with just enough creative edge and purpose to leave the songwriting and style lingering after listening.

Catchy riffs and accessible, modest vocals help further the popular twist of personality that is the Heavy AmericA approach to making music. The accompanying visuals work just as well in creating that yesteryear meets now meandering thought process for audiences across the board – we even get a brief glimpse of the band in action during the final quarter, and a mighty guitar solo to boot.
It will be interesting to hear where future releases take Heavy AmericA.
Check out Heavy AmericA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & their Website.