Contrasting retro bass with layers of subtle guitar, dreamy piano, and delicate vocals progressing into timeless RnB, FreXinet (pronounced Fray-SHIN-ay) details the ache of desire throughout the melodic and organic Long For You.
Showcasing a notably nostalgic arrangement and vocal style to match, Long For You keeps things interesting melodically, and underlines the best of the singer’s abilities in the process.
From near falsetto moments to smooth verses and the later sections of heightened passion, the performance is versatile and consistently in line with the changing emotions of this exploration of longing and infatuation.

Blending yesteryear qualities with a crisp vocal recording and even utilising a rap verse later on, the contemporary dynamic of Long For You elevates that nineties aspect in a memorable way.
FreXinet’s passion for the art-form transcends genre, and keeps things classic and familiar whilst introducing her own modern lyrical threads and identity in a way that will hopefully stand out across future releases.
Creative freedom unites with professionalism for a twist in the fabric of RnB, and an edge of unpredictability that should keep fans coming back for more.
Check out FreXinet on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & her Website.