Ferris Durden - Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen Cover) - Stereo Stickman

Ferris Durden Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen Cover)


Daring to suggest, perhaps, but you’d be forgiven for believing, should you not be familiar with popular music from previous eras, that Ferris Durden’s Dancing In The Dark was a timeless pop-rock original.

The production, the performance – there’s a certain chemical balance between passion and precision that allows the natural warmth and uplifting energy of this single to connect.

In short, it’s a brilliant cover, complete with cascading guitars and the full-throttle organic rock set-up, produced to a crisp and contemporary finish. All at once a more than worthy ode to a classic track, and a fine introduction to the project and indeed singer Richard Farrell’s own rock-ready vocal prowess and clear immersion within the moment.

Nostalgic to a degree, but fresh in its subtle reimagining of the eighties hit. Ferris Durden are masters of this craft, a covers band formed by the one and only SJ Warman of The Stone MGs – a personal favourite indie act from the past couple of years. No surprise then, that I love this new release, but don’t let implied bias turn you away. Give it a stream at volume and see that you don’t feel quickly refreshed.

Check out Ferris Durden on Facebook or visit their Website. Check out singer Richard Farrell via his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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