Not merely a welcomed reminder of the live scenes we all know and miss, but a two-birds-one-stone introduction to a unique artist and band with a superb set of songs to their set.
Eyal Erlich has released a series of live performances in recent years, beginning with the emotive yet warm, Radiohead-esque Pain & Pleasure, and the series makes for an easy go-to whenever you’re in need of the organic comfort of well-crafted music.
Accompanied by additional guitar, bass and drums, the performance lays bare the artist’s vocal style and songwriting in a relevantly immersive, dreamlike setting. Even the final hue on the video creates a certain late-night, calming vibe. It’s easy to enjoy, but it’s also a great showcase of some brilliantly interesting, alternative pop-rock songs.
Taking things in a slightly different direction is the live performance of Mother Eternal. A cooler blue image, piano-led and spacious, a breathier, softer vocal delivery. Still that tone and character is recognizable as Eyal Erlich, so already we get versatility and identity united. This one feels from the heart all the more so, Eyal singing with his back to us, almost implying a direct addressing of the subject of the song. A beautiful looping melody finishes off the process in a naturally likable, memorable way.

Mourning Love keeps this mellow, reflective mood at the forefront. Here we get acoustic finger-picking, a certain simplicity and folk-like quiet, which allows a new vocal tone and equally folk-inspired lyrical thread to weave their web and create a comforting aura of intimacy and shared understanding. The passion increases throughout, its subtle but certain, and Eyal and the band carry this progression with natural ease.
It Don’t Seem Right is a personal favorite from the live collection. A touch of blues, a soulful vocal, some fine bass-work and flickers of guitar – it’s familiar yet fresh, a strong example of effective songwriting, and actually a little Bond-like in its cinematic swagger.
Bringing this short set to a finish is I Wish I Knew, an emotional outcry that allows the true thoughtfulness and longing of Eyal’s writing to stand tall in a simple, heartbreakingly raw and honest setting.
There’s a clear quality to Eyal’s music that pours through regardless of instrumentation or pace, it’s his words, his framing of intimate ideas, and his vocal connection to the concepts. These live performances represent that artistry beautifully well.
Find & follow Eyal Erlich on Facebook, Soundcloud & Instagram.