Cousin Vinny - Too Humble  - Stereo Stickman

Cousin Vinny Too Humble 


Nostalgic production and a heavy rhythm set the mood well, as Chicago’s Cousin Vinny brings a mellow but confident anthem in the form of Too Humble.

The vocal is aptly humble on first listen, the pace rising up later on to showcase a faster flow and a series of wordplay examples that depict a rapper with a clear love for the poetry and freedom of the artform.

That quality seems rare these days – the skill of rap and writing bars coming second to image and volume in many cases. Here though, in a refreshing turn away from the emo and simple bangers scenes, Too Humble pays tribute to the dawn of Hip Hop, whilst introducing a rightfully calm and collected artist with a clear talent for engaging listeners on the mic.

Too Humble is brief yet effective, and seems genuinely in keeping with the carefree style and artistry of Cousin Vinny – integrity another trait of value in today’s realm. Hopefully there’s more to come.

Find Cousin Vinny on Facebook & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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