Chef Porter - Pressure Cooker - Stereo Stickman

Chef Porter Pressure Cooker


Riding high on the strength of an immediately stylish, oriental-style riff, alongside a mellow yet crisp rhythm and rap clarity, Chef Porter crafts a classic anthem of character and appeal, for Pressure Cooker.

Broadly known for his appearance in the Netflix show of the same name Pressure Cooker, Chef Porter introduces another side to his creative prowess with this release. Smart and sharp verses captivate in unison with the overlying details and repeating hook sentiment of the song. The production is also fairly timeless, blending pop and hip hop with lashings of space and cleanly-mixed vocals for an accessible, almost genre-free aura.

That central riff and the refreshingly laid-back yet well-programmed rhythms are easily the track’s first selling points – no volume or quirks required, no trap aspects just to fit the mold. Instead, we get a sense of musicianship, and of purpose; in terms of the subject matter and overall mood.

On top of all this, the vocals prove faultless, quietly confident with more than enough versatility between sections to hold attention and consistently impress.

It’s an easy track to love, addictively smooth and memorable for its interesting take on metaphorical writing; plus that connection to the Chef’s own hustle outside of music. Well worth a listen this season.

Download or stream Pressure Cooker here.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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