Charlie Wilde & Peak Park - Boyhood - Stereo Stickman

Charlie Wilde & Peak Park Boyhood


Ethereal and instantly gentle yet intense – Charlie Wilde and Peak Park captivate with sublime sound-design and piercingly evocative vocals, for Boyhood.

Melodically simple yet striking, employing a heavy presence of contrast between moments of quiet contemplation and those of fiercely impactful weight and power, Boyhood follows a string of poetic questions and reflections that feel both intimate and broadly involving.

The song captures affection from the outset for this vibrant array of distorted synths and the emotive tremble and poignancy of the opening voice. Later on, creative hits of rhythm keep things artistic and cinematic, and the second voice injects a softer-still tremble and intimacy that again provides a superb level of juxtaposition with what came before.

The entire arrangement proceeds in this way, enchanting listeners with an experimental set-up that’s both immense and humble in portraying the depths of these ideas.

Not often does a track achieve a worthy meeting of intentional artistic production and performative prowess. When it happens, the results can be addictively gripping – almost as if the music is pouring through directly from the listener’s own experiences and feelings. Boyhood masters this approach.

Beautifully unique, fearlessly fusing talent and conceptual realness with uninhibited creativity.

Download or stream Boyhood. Find Charlie Wilde on Apple, Facebook, Instagram. Find Peak Park on Instagram & Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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