Big Bus Dream - AMERICAN - Stereo Stickman

Big Bus Dream AMERICAN


Created in direct response to the consistent rise of conflict and hate in the USA, Big Bus Dream releases the evocative protest single AMERICAN – an organic soft-rock arrangement and song reflecting on times past and the subsequent downward spiral of division and violence.

Musically optimistic, a colourful set-up of organic rhythm, electric and acoustic guitars, bass and even a horn section – AMERICAN features the classically distinct sound of Big Bus Dream’s leading vocalist at the forefront.

It’s a hazy mix, the lyrics are occasionally hard to decipher, but many poignant lines cut through the tone and rasp in a way that’s quick to contrast the hopeful warmth of the music. References to gunshots, the obscene, the rich and the poor, and questions like ‘What are you left with?’, all guide us through a poetic contemplation that’s both personal and broadly relatable.

The Big Bus Sound is ever recognisable, though the production here shines a new creative light, and the vocal rhythm also helps bring through a fresh twist of originality in terms of progression as an act. AMERICAN is quietly delivered, almost whispered, with certain moments doubled up to reinforce the heavier sentiments and desperation of the writing.

The political weight of the topic, the observations that inspired it, become increasingly provocative, and meanwhile, the beat rolls on – leaving listeners to ponder these questions, these patriotic sentiments in line with the pain and separation surrounding them. The song’s title resounds and repeats, the final moments in particular leaving that all inclusive contemplation lingering in the mind.

“What happened to just American?”

Single out June 6th. Download AMERICAN and get a signed digital album cover. Find Big Bus Dream on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & the Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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