Ambient Nature Series - Rocky Stream - Stereo Stickman

Ambient Nature Series Rocky Stream


For the many of us who gather by the YouTube mixes and streams designed to recreate the natural rhythms and background noise of the living world, either to sleep better or to maintain a level of calm when working, Ambient Nature Series releases high quality projects in the album format.

Available on Spotify and iTunes, presenting a blissfully crisp quality that allows the bubbling sounds of the Rocky Stream to fully envelop you, the extended playlist appropriately washes away the weight of the world. The opener alone spans almost seven minutes as it embraces your entire being, providing gentle noise and calm, without distraction – no melody, no words, no sudden changes. You can write or work or fall into the dreamland with ease.

As a complete playlist, these tracks roll into one another in a natural fashion, the second offering Delightful Water Play Trickling Away striking with a tad more distance, a faded calm but crisp and fresh nonetheless. The details in the differences are powerful – hence the longer titles; references to a Bed of Rocks, Downstream Patter, Clear Foam. You can move through these locations, quickly visualizing the forest or mountain scenery, and instantly re-connect with the planet that created us.

As a fan of this type of ambiance anyway, Rocky Stream was an easy must. For those still unsure how to overcome feelings of anxiety or pressure in today’s world – Ambient Nature Series has taken the hassle out of discovery, and recorded and arranged an original series of scenes that allow you to fully re-build your relationship with yourself and the natural world; at least temporarily.

Undoubtedly a project worth saving for long-term use. Beautifully done.

Download the project via iTunes.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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