'63 CIRCUS - The Psycho Rise - Stereo Stickman

’63 CIRCUS The Psycho Rise


LA creatives ’63 CIRCUS balance out the darkness of their artwork with a nostalgic and melodic musicality, but proceed to reanimate that darkness, by way of boldly reflective and unsettling observational lyrics.

An interesting and likable song, The Psycho Rise proves instantly engaging for its long-form organ riff and the familiarity brought along with that. The vocal melody follows a similar pathway, all in all presenting a kind of Doors-like influence. The style is reminiscent of a simpler era, but then we get a dash of cinematic production, not least of all during the latter half, and an impressively concise and scathing story.

Poetry is central to The Psycho Rise, political contemplations framed within metaphors and images that sound beautifully fluid yet intensely poignant in their topical relevance. Contrast is masterfully employed, not just between the music and the subject matter, but between the very details of each line. From ‘waters whirl in kaleidoscope’ we then descend towards ‘the darkness that churns while the city burns’.

The idea of water itself even transcends its own natural wonder, to become something purely there to drown or flood the innocence of the world.

“This is not my America
This drowning human tide
That flood the streets in a grim parade
To watch the Psycho Rise.”

The more you listen to The Psycho Rise, the more its tune and sentiments get locked in the subconscious – a lingering and timeless rock song with a mildly vintage crackle looping and looping in the mind. The opening organ riff is perfectly in tune with the idea of a circus – another clever twist of identity that weaves itself into the ’63 CIRCUS intention and repertoire.

Hopefully there’s an album is incoming – a journey no doubt wholly immersive in both topic and tone. Watch this space.

Download The Psycho Rise.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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