Onyx~369 - "Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of this century, said to understand the power of the numbers 369, is to have the keys to the universe." - Stereo Stickman

Onyx~369 “Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of this century, said to understand the power of the numbers 369, is to have the keys to the universe.”


Multi-faceted producer and mechanical engineer Ray E Rodriguez creates a multitude of original tracks under the moniker of Onyx~369. Most recently, a handful of eclectic and memorable House and Drum & Bass originals have hit the scene to vast public acclaim.

We caught up with the hard-working creative to find out more about his unique journey, what drives him creatively, and what his biggest ambitions are. Here’s the conversation in full.

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Hi Ray, thanks for the interview! For those new to your journey, how long have you been making music, and who or what first inspired you to start?

I have been in the music industry for 20+ years. I obtained a AS degree from Full Sail University located in Winter Park, Florida in 2001. Focused in Audio/ Video engineering. During my 20’s I was resident DJ at the Clevelander Ocean Drive (South Beach) for 2 years (2001-2003).

In 2005, I started as a intern for Poe Boy Music Group (Rick Ross, Brisco, Flo-Rida) and worked on several projects as sound engineer. I took a break from music to focus on my Engineering career. I obtained my BS in Civil/ Structural/ Mechanical engineering in 2003. It was supposed to be my back up but, my first child was born in 2006 and needed to focus on providing a stable income and environment. In 2023, I decided to get back into the music scene because of my 11 year old daughter. She likes music. I believe exposure is experience. I wanted to expose her to music, music publishing to see if it catches her attention. Which it has.

Your catalogue is impressively versatile, with a strong emphasis on drum n bass and house. What’s your creative process like?

My creative process primarily entails, staying out of a box, and keep it simple. It’s my modus-operandi. When composing a track. I start with 8 bars sequence and label it as my chorus. Once I feel comfortable, I use 8 bars for intro#1, then 8 bars for intro#2 sequences. Use another 8bar sequence as my bridge. Working on each sequence at a time. Then create 2 8 bar sequence labeled as verse 1 and verse 2. So basically, I split the standard 16 bar verse into 2 sections. Lastly, I create an outro 8 bar sequence. Literally, my production is done in this order every time.

Irie Champian Skank is a defiant highlight – the melody and colourful optimism, the bounce and nostalgia, the sense of originality, all pours through in waves. How did you come to craft this, and what influenced the fusion of styles and traits within?

I’m a fan of music first, then musician. My personal music playlist is very eclectic to say the least. I actually had listened to a new track released by General Levy. I wanted to make a DnB track but also wanted to add a reggae root essence. This track is an example of my creative process driven by staying outside of a box. I actually wrote a book and verse to this track in patois..

What are your go-to software must-haves when you’re in the studio?

Great question. Honestly, I don’t know if I really have a “go-to- software”. I have ADD (LMAO). Seriously, I use MPC live 2 with AkAI MPK keyboard. I also have all the AKAI VST’s available for purchase to date with a slew of expansion packs.

Most recently the track Lover’s Song depicted a yesteryear floor-filler vibe, the pitched leading melody and the dreamy undertones, a brilliant bass line. Where did you begin for this one, and how did you know when it was truly finished and ready to share?

I started this track on my iPhone 15 using MPC mobile. I involve my daughter and wife as much I can on all my tracks. I played conceptual sequence to my wife and she liked it but noticed I had some sounds off key. My daughter selected the sample. Every time I played it for my wife to hear, she kept saying there is a sound off key. Honestly, I got frustrated, worked on 2 other tracks start to finish. Went on vacation to Disneyland California with family. Came back, noticed the bass line on chorus and bridge were off. I played the new version to my wife, and once she said I fixed that sound and like the direction I went with it. I knew it was ready to share. True story.

Do you also perform or plan to as a DJ, or stick to the studio and production side of things?

Yikes. Honestly, I have not given this any thought. I compose music for fun. At this moment, I’m not really sure. When I used to DJ we used turntables. At this moment, I would probably stick to studio and production side. I would enjoy watching a reel on Social media or YouTube of a DJ spinning my music while people rock out to it in a club, party, or festival. Seeing listeners/ music lovers vibing to my music enjoying life makes me feel fulfilled. I’m an emotional human, so seeing people enjoying life dancing to my tracks would make me tear with joy.

You’re also noted as a structural and mechanical engineer. How do you make time for music, and do these disciplines intertwine at all?

It’s not easy. If you ask my wife, she would likely say I struggle balancing my career as an engineer, family, and music. From 9-5 I’m working as an engineer. When I get home from the office, I try to dedicate evenings to my family. Make dinner, watch TV with my son.

By the way I have 4 beautiful, healthy kids. My oldest daughter just moved out the house and is living in student dorms attending college her first year. A daughter in the 11th grade. A daughter in middle school and a son in the 1st grade. I sleep 4-5 hours a day.

Yes, engineering does somewhat intertwine. That’s why my artist name has the 369. Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of this century, said to understand the power of the numbers 369, is to have the keys to the universe”

Free To Dream is another classic euphoric dance anthem, great vocals and that ethereal warmth on top of a hard-hitting beat. Are the vocals sampled here or do you collaborate with singers and other musicians sometimes?

I love this track. My 11 year old daughter co-produced and created the album cover. The vocals are sampled, and I have certificate granting me the rights to use. When it comes to using samples, I make sure to obtain clearance/ rights to use. Also, I’m open to working with artists that is willing to put in work, dedication and consistency to make good music.

How different is your mindset when crafting something hopeful as opposed to something darker and more introspective, and can you control that or does the music follow the lead of your mood?

Mood definitely plays a huge role when composing instrumentals/ song. Every tracks is an artistic expression crafted to take the audience/ listener on emotion journey  using sounds and frequency to make a connection on a quantum level. Achieving this connection is my ultimate goal.

“To be honest, I would rather craft a track with happy, hopeful vibes, but it’s hard to control since my music tends to follow my mood.”

What’s your biggest ambition right now as a composer and producer?

I mentioned earlier in this interview how my 11 year old daughter loves music, and  shown interest in becoming a musician composer, singer. My ambition is teaching her the ropes. This is not as simple as it sounds. I don’t want to push her too hard, where it turns into a chore and she loses interest. I’m giving her time to evolve, she is taking music classes to help her understand the basics.

She actually has been involved in all the house music tracks recently published. Helping pick instruments, providing input in song structure, album cover. Second ambition/ drive, is making good music for my listeners to rock out to.

What do you have planned creatively for the final quarter of this year?

I have several tracks ready to publish in the forthcoming weeks. A few tracks are  “Afro- House” type songs. Also got some DnB lined up as well. Additionally, I have partnered with a talented dance team in the UK that will be creating dance reels for a couple of  my songs that is going to be epic. I’m really excited about this. These ladies are really good/ talented choreographers and dancers.

Is there anything else we should know?

I would like to thank you for your time and great questions asked in this interview. Also, I would like to send a huge thank you to all my listeners and the DJ’s showing love to my music, rocking out to my songs. Nevertheless, a big thank you to the DnB/ House Music/ EDM community in the UK, rocking to my music,  the #1 region according to the digital streaming platform analytics. The love and support I have received from listeners overseas has been immense and inspiring. Much love to my EDM community in the US showing love and support too.

Lastly, I would like to give my best wishes to those who read this interview. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Cheers!

To all my humans sharing this wonderful planet with live in. May peace, happiness and health be upon you!

Signing out – Onyx~369

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A big thank you to Ray for his time & insight. Find Onyx~369 on Apple & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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