Thoughts Of a Common Man, with Eye'z - Radio Valencia - Stereo Stickman

Thoughts Of a Common Man, with Eye’z – Radio Valencia


Thoughts Of a Common Man (TOACM) is gaining more and more traction with it’s insightful, open discussions and great music. Released on a weekly basis, the independent radio show and podcast features a series of in depth conversations covering various topics and frequently features artist and songwriter Eye’z. Charles ‘The Chief’ Williams is the host and Gina ‘The Producer’ makes a regular appearance. There are also plenty of guests over time and the discussions are always very honest, fun and interesting.

One of the show’s more recent guests included author, activist, and playwright Jewelle Gomez – widely known for The Gilda Stories and Leaving the Blues. An engaging person to talk to and the show on the whole is well worth a listen. Masha Chernyak of Latino Community Foundation was also a recent guest on the show, and prior to this Diana A. Ruiz, Executive Director of Women’s Global Leadership Initiative (WGLI) made an appearance.

As we strive toward creating equality for women in the US and globally, WGLI has set out to drive change. Regardless of our political affiliation, this is the thread that continues to unite us. It serves as our foundation and strength.

There are plenty of episodes online to catch up with and make your way through. Listeners are encouraged to make a small donation of $5.10 to 51Oakland to support children getting involved with the arts and to encourage those who want to work towards a career in music or just want to have fun and experiment with music, a cause very important to and strongly supported by Eye’z.

You can listen to the show live from 10 a.m to 12 Noon (PST) every Tuesday, or download or stream the latest podcast via Radio Valencia or the Official Website. Find and follow Eye’z on Reverbnation, Twitter & Instagram. Visit her Website for more information.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter