Spvce Records - The Rising Digital Record Label Bringing You The Best New Releases - Stereo Stickman

Spvce Records – The Rising Digital Record Label Bringing You The Best New Releases


Traditional record labels and the roles they fill are slowly but surely evolving and becoming less of what the industry has known them as for so long. Spvce Records are playing a big part in that evolution by effectively recreating the way new music and new artists and producers are discovered. They’re a new kind of digital record label who focus intently on high quality releases, streaming, and efficiency – they judge by the music alone, and they’re pushing to bring audiences the best of the best.

“Our goal is to get shine to songs that deserve it, from artists of all fan base sizes. We don’t operate with the same timelines and restrictions as other companies, allowing us to release tracks more often. We also work to help producers as much as possible, from resources to sales and placements.”

Promising valuable representation online, as well as advice and tools to help artists make the most out of their musical journeys, Spvce Records are always on hand to help out and to consider your music for promotion; whoever or wherever you may be. Communication is at the forefront of their work, alongside of making sure to showcase the very best in undiscovered music.

Check out their playlist of releases below for some of the most impressive and immersive tracks of recent months – spanning from hip hop to electronic soundscapes and all that falls between.

Submit your own music for consideration or get in touch with the label via Twitter. Visit their Website to find out more. For partnership, marketing, or advertising inquiries drop them an email.

Stereo Stickman


Stereo Stickman is an online music magazine offering the latest in underground music news, as well as a platform through which unsigned artists can reach a wider audience.

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