Frankly Speaking - Chasing Butterflies (Song for my dog) - Stereo Stickman

Frankly Speaking Chasing Butterflies (Song for my dog)


While it’s easy to talk about and enjoy a song like this for its pure acoustic beauty alone (Frankly Speaking sings and plays guitar to a simple yet sublime degree), the fact of the matter is, Chasing Butterflies is a song about a dog – man’s best friend, an endless source of joy and companionship; the gift we don’t deserve. Slowly but surely the song reaches out to completely connect and simultaneously break your heart.

For those of us with dogs, or who have been blessed with a dog somewhere along the way, the song will almost certainly hit a little harder. The way Frankly Speaking has crafted it though, even with the equally simple yet warming visuals scenes of him and his dog, means that you can hear the true emotion in the performance, but the details are presented vaguely enough to include anyone; to appear relevant to any number of listeners. The things that make our furry friends mean so much to us are outlined in a pure and wonderful way, and this builds up in an engaging manner towards the ultimate loss and heartache of the hook. There’s optimism in this moment, of course, but that sense of missing someone lingers in the air all the while.

Chasing Butterflies is just about the perfect way to honor the most loyal and loving friend any of us could hope for. Frankly Speaking is a fantastic songwriter and musician, and this release makes for a deeply appealing introduction to his work. As emotional songs go, this one digs right into the heart – dog lovers be warned. The tears may flood, but the song also reminds you to appreciate those still with you. An absolute recommend.

I won’t forget all that you’ve done for my life. My only hope is, you’re up there chasing butterflies.

Incidentally, this song opened up a whole new corner of YouTube that I hadn’t previously stumbled upon. Brendan Biondi’s When You Come Home (A Song Your Dog Wrote) makes for a beautiful and further bit of heartbreak after this.

Find & follow Jordan Frank on Instagram or visit his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

3 responses to “Frankly Speaking – Chasing Butterflies (Song for my dog)

  1. I love this song, even though it makes me cry every time that I listen to it..I have fur babies that have crossed over Rainbow Bridge 🌈 and I mourn for them every single day. 🐶😥💔🐾 Thank You Jordan Frank for writing this beautiful song 🐶🦋🌈

  2. I have a dog name Ellie and a dog name buddy my dog name Ellie was 14 years old and that was my dog and I had her since I was born the dog buddy was 16 years old and that was the black dog Ellie’s father. They were very sick and buddy died right before Christmas and then Wednesday May the 8th on the way to the vet Ellie died in my arms.

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