Zyxon Ebenflow Neuman - Inside Sri (Sun) + Iris of my I (Podcast) - Stereo Stickman

Zyxon Ebenflow Neuman Inside Sri (Sun) + Iris of my I (Podcast)


Zyxon Ebenflow Neuman – a musician and podcast creator employing both passion and work ethic when it comes to original content. Inside Sri (Sun) is an EP that showcases the conscious and expressive nature of his music, but perhaps more importantly, encapsulates the expressive freedom and flow of his approach to all things creative.

Consider the opening and title track Inside Sri – we’re introduced to a rapper and producer with a mellow and poetic yet also fun and quirky take on modern music. The soundscape spirals and swirls to gather momentum, the bassline feels retro gamer-like, the beat and surrounding sounds feel playful and unpredictable. The bars too, deliver a kind of freestyle energy undeterred by industry expectation; instead driven by equal parts contemplation and a simple desire to have fun with the process.

As we continue, musicianship maintains its unorthodox freedom, and the voice holds tight to those distinct threads of identity.

Dreams Come True offers a marching Celtic production with a catchy hook and a sense of drama and depth cleverly juxtaposed by the exceedingly laid back delivery from Zyxon. Then for Vesica Piety, intrigue and broader life wonders unite to capture attention – an industrial but intimate arrangement, and a breathless outpouring of ideas and images the present a broad collection of traits; through which listeners can build a stronger connection with the protagonist. Lines like ‘If you’re high on life, don’t need no hash’ resound amidst this poetry jam-style enterprise.

Things get topical and mildly political throughout the stream of consciousness and rising passion of Seldom Possesseth. There’s a lot to unpack, and this meditative soundscape permits you the space to consider and do so, before the second verse confidently takes the wheel. This one is a personal favourite, musically mellow and more lyrically rewarding with each revisit.

Picky Eater wraps things up with fun and strictly adult-only seductive humour; sultry basslines and references to match. Zyxon’s voice is unmistakable now, the funky bass-line adding equal relevance to the project, and the style and concept promising a whole other side to the creatively uninhibited character of Zyxon Ebenflow Neuman.

Once you’ve familiarised yourself with the personality and creative edge of EbenFlow, the Iris of my I podcast makes for a natural next step.

Noting episodes spanning back more than a year, Iris of my I is an endearing podcast that celebrates the art of consistency by way of brand new episodes each and every week – purely for the creator’s own sense of achievement and legacy. It’s a refreshing approach, and that humility and personal touch resounds throughout episodes.

Most recently digging into the secrets of audio engineering, this is one that our musicians and artists can take a lot away from. The podcast is non-exclusive by topic, and also features solo deep-dives into arbitrary subjects, but on the whole presents a range of independent artist interviews that explore in depth the journey of the creative; complete with all of its highs and lows.

The conversation is mellow, flows freely and naturally, and creates a mild contrast with the boldness and bravado of EbenFlow’s music, by depicting the realism and curiosity of the artist as he leads these fascinating and unconfined discussions.

Nothing is held back, and no topic is out of reach in terms of the artist’s journey in the modern world. It’s an easy and insightful listen – Absolutely worth tuning in for.

Find EbenFlowN on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok & his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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