Winter's Wail - Pyrophobia - Stereo Stickman

Winter’s Wail Pyrophobia


Cyprus-based progressive metal band Winter’s Wail take full command of the creative space, with the soaring instrumental and performative prowess of their latest single Pyrophobia.

Supremely crafted in everything from the organic musicianship to the delivery and production, Pyrophobia imparts a structural masterpiece by incorporating both melodic and intense expression throughout the mix. The song evolves through gritty metal core verses towards the more ethereal resolve of a sung and synth-kissed chorus, all the while maintaining its central power chords and the shifting energy of this vast, devoted spectrum of sound.

Rightfully encapsulating the essence of its own story, Pyrophobia emerges from the upcoming album Chaos, and introduces a band with a defiant connection to the very process of artistic representation. The song is all at once boldly charming and fearlessly vulnerable, creating an arena-ready fullness complete with a phenomenal use of contrast between ambient and intoxicating moments.

Every musician involved in the making of Pyrophobia pours their soul and skill into this recording. The track hits the scene with ferocity and precision united, creating an unrivalled blanket of escapism that’s both comforting and unignorably awakening. To listen at volume is to feel the connection between layers and creatives, between artist and audience, but it’s also to feel understood, energised, and ready to face the weight of the world.

Pyrophobia screams out on behalf of an unrelenting lust for life. Far more than just a song, the release presents a rich tapestry of sonic exploration and power, and in the process offers an original and addictively evocative journey.

Single out July 5th – Download or stream. Find Winter’s Wail on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Patreon & their Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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