Waking Stone - Submersion - Stereo Stickman

Waking Stone Submersion


Having followed their journey and musical releases for some time now, the latest single from Washington DC duo Waking Stone was more than a surprising shift in direction. Always great storytellers and melodically creative with it, the band reach new levels of artistic exploration, with the atmospheric rock presence and powerful structure of Submersion.

Initially built around a sort of ambient wash of synths, some delicate, some distorted, Submersion leads with the Waking Stone vocals drenched in reverb – a kind of distant and hypnotic audio effect, which naturally represents the implications of the song’s title. We’re in the middle of the story from the outset, engaged in this intoxicating production, and things only grow more intense and alluring from here on in.

Progressing towards an explosive arena-rock hook, the beating heart of Submersion is its sense of story and artistic expression – traits that always ring loud with Waking Stone. However, in this case we seem to have reached a performative crescendo, a kind of Pink Floyd-influenced realm of pure musicality and poetic contemplation united.

It’s a humble and well-produced take, less intimate than previous releases, perhaps, but all the more intriguing and imaginative. At the same time, despite its subtly experimental qualities, Submersion is distinct and purposeful, and allows the listener to escape entirely into the arrangement – letting these lyrics and ideas connect in a whole new way as they do.

“The belly of the sea, voices growing loud.
Reverberating, suffocating, there where I had drowned”

Arguably their strongest release to date. Download Submersion. Find Waking Stone on Patreon, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram & their Website. Header photo by Mina Habibi.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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