VMK - Pacing - Stereo Stickman

VMK Pacing


Raw indie rock vibes lead us into a fast-paced rap track loaded with personal angst and varying vocal inflections for a heavy, genre-blending new release.

Rising up into heavy metal realms yet keeping the vocal clear, clean-cut and up front, VMK’s Pacing feels like a contemporary fusion of hip hop and rock. It holds close to a clear sense of grit, yet also follows a rhythmically appealing structure that meets the changing pace of the soundscape with ease.

While there’s a notably home-made feel to the recording, this gives it a certain authenticity. The passion in VMK’s delivery matches that of the lyrics – this honest and resentful outpouring, bringing together personal empowerment and distain throughout a fairly breathless, relentless performance.

The whole thing feels like a freestyle but with a pre-planned set-up in terms of the changing tone and pace of the voice. Hints of melody contrast out-right raps, and meanwhile VMK holds nothing back as he details the turmoil and determination of his story.

Undoubtedly unique, that’s for sure – a recognisable voice and a musicality that leans in its own direction. It will be interesting to hear where else the music takes things in the near future.

Check out VMK on Twitter.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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