Artist and rapper Steve Write, born and raised in South Carolina’s Wedgefield, brings a heavy degree of talent, integrity and focus to the creative hip hop scene, and despite unwavering consistency in releasing – his catalogue of originals refuses to fall below par.
Taking the blessing of fatherhood as a reason to work harder at his craft, rather than withdraw – as is more commonly the case – Steve Write’s independent collection now stands at impressive heights. From singles to EPs, the quality never dwindles, and every track offers some new insight as to both the artist’s individual life story and the sheer level of his talent.

Nue Night is the latest release, bringing together soulful soundscapes and a calm display of confidence that grabs attention and holds onto it thanks to a certain fusion of subtlety and clear leadership to the lyricism and performance alike. To The Grammys opens things up and proves a fine starting point for those new to Steve Wright’s music and artistry.
Elsewhere in his profile from recent months – Off Top is an uplifting highlight for its brightness and bounce combined with the ever-considerate and open nature of the writing. The name matches the content, Steve writes from the heart, uninhibited and unafraid, and this, fused with faultless production, makes it incredibly easy to connect with his music.
Kush from the 2020 EP Ounce and a Dream is another stand out for its conscious depth, personal reflection, musical simplicity and engaging rhythms.
Write’s voice shines brightly in an intimate and honest setting, and the organic music smoothly and soulfully backs up this introspective journey.
Last year’s EP The Wright Brothers keeps that ever-recognisable voice and intelligent, insightful writing at the forefront, and offers a gospel-style melodic backdrop for a clear sense of inspiration and brightness underneath this.
From the opening single through to Unfold, there are gentle hits of emotion, passion, in the delivery, and the music and lyrics unite to underline this in a way that’s impossible to ignore. You get to know the artist, and learn a little about yourself in the process.

Steve Write doesn’t win your affection with quirks or volume, just with talent, smart writing, realness, and a clearly born-to-do-this attitude and presentation. The music is easy to get into, and maintains a high quality embrace every step of the way. Categorically an artist worth knowing about.
Check out Steve Write on Facebook & Instagram.