Project Cowai - Right After Rain - Stereo Stickman

Project Cowai Right After Rain


Collaborative creative act Project Cowai lays down a heartfelt and timeless pop hit, with their debut release Right After Rain.

Built around a nostalgic pop groove and evocative, gentle vocals, the track feels both electronically programmed and deeply human in essence. The chorus in particular is a defiant highlight of the arrangement, and effectively connects all the reflections and ideas of the surrounding verses.

Ultimately a beautifully poetic ode to love that lasts, Right After Rain is a unique songwriting take with a classic pop melody and build up, and even features a cleanly-mixed rap verse during the latter half. This moment adds unexpected dynamic, fits seamlessly within the mix, and helps build upon the two-part relationship connection that is the beating heart of the track.

Piano-led pop with an intimate and relatable core, Right After Rain is both catchy and emotive as it rains down with a depth that’s personal yet accessible in its vagueness. The chorus drops in with passion and brightness, and helps resolve the journey in a way that lets the melody and positive energy resound and last; long after the music has ended.

Find Project Cowai on TikTok.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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