The performances are on point, carrying the essence of the track confidently. The overall effect is that the music is quite hypnotic, addictive even.
The project is loaded with laid back vibes & creative, stylish music. At no point does the content lack meaning or realness. There’s plenty to relate to.
The song has a captivating delicacy, expressed almost as a whisper, with lyrics that consistently light up the concept & this feeling of quiet & calm.
Lyrics you’ve heard nothing like, a musical structure & performance style free from the confines of genre, and a phenomenally hypnotic presence of passion.
The feeling given off is intense & captivating. The precise nature of the production is creative & detailed – magnetic, and ever impressive to experience.
A heavy yet crisp bit of hard rock. Structurally complex & thoughtful, complete with melodic verse sections, varied riffs & an undeniable level of passion.
The energy is on point, intense & hyper – likely to leave even the laziest of listeners feeling the need to get up & go do something.
The song is openly declarative of the songwriter’s true feelings. An honest & proud dedication to a faith, and everything plays a part in reinforcing this.
The instrumental sounds throughout are varied & always interesting. There’s a definite sense of personality, and this makes it all the more enjoyable.
The titles hold a level of strength. The concept’s are briefly defined, the rest of the journey is determined by the music & the mind of the listener.
The fuller instrumental arrangement actually supports & compliments the power of the vocal & the feeling behind the lyrics superbly. It sounds incredible.
Serge Bulat has an absolute thirst & skill for capturing the perfect sounds for each passing moment during the creative process. Beautifully unique.